
The basics of Routing in Briz is explaind at Routing section in Basics you can have a look at it.

Basic Routing

The App::route() will create a new router with the name specified. we can use this router to create routes.

lets discuss about basic routing,

$app = new Briz\App();
$app->route("web", function($router){

that will create a router with the name web. inside it you can specify routes. here $router->get('/','IndexController@show'); is such a route

the second argument to the above method can be an anonymous function or a controller. if a controller is used the above code will change to

$app = new Briz\App();
$app->route("web", "SomeController");

where SomeController is the controller name . if so routes will be generated from the controller. see Controller Routing below. but i think the anonymous function version is better because it provides more flexibility. that was my personal opinion. you can use anything you like.

GET Route

The code shown above $router->get() is a get route.


This defines a GET route to the Controller IndexController and the method show in it. if this route matches to our url then it will execute the method show in IndexController. if no method name is specified it will use index method by default.

if you are using a callback function instead of a controller you can use.


POST Route


you can use POST routes when you have want to match a route with http POST method. see getParsedBody in Request for how to retrive post body.


You can also create routes for PUT DELETE, OPTIONS and PATCH. but some of these routes may not be supported by most of the browsers. so you will need an adapter to convert browser requests to these HTTP methods from a dummy method such as post. see Faking request method.

//example of a put route


//example of a delete route


//example of options route


//example of patch route



If you want a route to match all the HTTP methods specified above. then you can use any method.


this will match any methods specified above. it will route to index method of HelpController

Matching more than one method using set

You can also match multiple Http methods with set


the first parameter is an array specifying http methods. in the code above GET and POST methods are specified.

Controller Routing

It is possible to pass router directly to a controller. I am assuming you read Controllers before reading this resource.

when a router is directly passed to a Controller. the controller will have to generate routes. for this we use Docblock. Here @Route is used to specify a route

namespace MyApp\Controllers;

use Briz\Concrete\BController;

class AdminController extends BController
    * @Route [get]
    public function index()
        $this->response->write('Administration Panel');

    * @Use app
    * @Route [get,post]
    public function details($app,$n)

here the comma seperated values in @Route inside [] in the doc block is used as HTTP methods to resolve routes. these routes are resolved as /admin since the first method name is index and /admin/details/{name} . the first part is the name of the controller before Controller in lower case. here it is admin. the second part is the name of the method. and last part is parameters passed to it. if there are n number of @Use anotation then first n parameters will be discarded. here it discards the $app in details this way

Route Inheritance

The first parameter passed to $app->route() is route name. the second parameter is controller and the third parameter is parent. the parent should be name of another router.

a child route will have all the properties of its parent. including routes and identities. as stated in Quick Start the main advatage of this is to extend current route.

if a child route matches then its parent will be ignored.

Route Patterns

//static route matches only /hello

//dynamic route matches with hello/*

// Matches /user/42, but not /user/xyz
$r->get('/user/{id:\d+}', 'handler');

// Matches /user/foobar, but not /user/foo/bar
$r->get('/user/{name}', 'handler');

// Matches /user/foo/bar as well
$r->get('/user/{name:.+}', 'handler');

// This route
$r->get('/user/{id:\d+}[/{name}]', 'handler');
// Is equivalent to these two routes
$r->get('/user/{id:\d+}', 'handler');
$r->get('/user/{id:\d+}/{name}', 'handler');

// This route is NOT valid, because optional parts can only occur at the end
$r->get('/user[/{id:\d+}]/{name}', 'handler');