
Identity is a global way for checking several conditions are satisfied. an identity will be given access to the Container. using this container an Identity can check for some conditions are satisfied or it can add values to the container.

for example, the default Identity included with Briz header identity checks if a header with a specific value exists in the request. for doing this it accesses request from container and checks request headers.

An identity should extend Briz\Base\Identity. and it must have a method identify() which will contain the logic. the container will be available as $this->container inside an identity. have a look at Container Reference for more details about container

Creating an identity

for example lets create a simple identity for checking port number

create a directory Identities under MyApp and create a file PortIdentity.php

 namespace MyApp\Identities;

 use Briz\Base\Identity;

 * Identity for checking port values.
 class PortIdentity extends Identity
     * Check for port.
     * @param int $port
     * @return bool
     public function identify($port, $v='')
        $request = $this->container->get('request');
         if($request->getUri()->getPort() == $port){
             return true;
         return false;

This code checks if a specific port $port is matched with the port number in the request.$v is initialized with blank value because IdentityInterface for identities requires two parameters for method identify().

at first, we need to register the identity. for this edit config\identities.php and add a key port and set its value to our class name with namespace. Then this file will look like,

return [
    'header' => 'Briz\Beam\HeaderIdentity',
    'port' => 'MyApp\Identities\PortIdentity'

next in your Quick Start file (or the default www/index.php when briz is installed ). edit the line for checking identity.



just like above we had to pass a blank third parameter inside $router->identify(). now use PHP Development Server to go to localhost:8000 by

$ php -S localhost:8000

and then after exiting, goto localhost:8080 by typing

$ php -S localhost:8080

check both and see the difference yourself. Now you have created your first Identity.

Using Identities outsite Route

you can also use identities outside the Route. for that, you have to use IdentityTrait. As traits provide automated copy paste in php. we can use IdentityTrait to add some methods and variables for accessing Identity to your Controller.

adding the trait.

class IdentityController
    use \Briz\Beam\IdentityTrait;

    public function idcheck()
        //code goes here.

the use \Briz\Beam\IdentityTrait; will add the identity management trait for your controller.

now, you have the following methods and two protected arrays $identifies, the list of identites registered with the class and $idt_keyIndex, the key index


add a new identity.

this function can accept any number of arguments. you need to pass minimum two arguments.

addIdentity(string $name, mixed $value)
  • $name (string) – The name of the identity in container
  • $value (mixed) – value to be identified

BadMethodCallException , InvalidArgumentException


Remove an added Identity.

removeIdentity(string $name, mixed $key)
  • $name (string) – The name of the identity in container
  • $value (mixed) – second argumet passed when AddIdentity was called.


if a name is specified it will only remove all identities under that name

removeAllIdentity(string|null $name = null)
  • $name (string|null) – optional name.


check if all added identities matches.



identifies everything under a name if no key is specified otherwise check for identity matched by key.

identifyByName(string $name, mixed|null $key = null)
  • $name (string|null) – name of the identity.
  • $key (mixed|null) – second parameter when added Identity
